Status Overview (Dashboard)

Users with the authorization job management: Display all jobs in status overview have the possibility to see all jobs of the entire system in the status view. Jobs that still have the status preprocessed are not displayed.

You can find the status overview on the start page (Tile: Status Overview) or in the tab jobs as view "Status Overview".

Filter according to criteria

In this view the user has the possibility to filter jobs according to certain criteria, e.g:

  • Job status
  • Workflow
  • Job languages
  • Period
  • User

In the status view, the user can quickly and clearly determine whether the target deadlines of his job have been kept. Target dates that have been kept or have not yet been exceeded are marked green. Target dates that have not been kept are marked in red.

Save filter as a favorite

The individual filter settings can be saved as favorites using the Favorites icon and are thus quickly available at any time.

Export as Excel file

It is also possible to export the filtered jobs as an Excel file via the Excel export icon.