The Table view offers a convenient overview for translating tables. Tables contained in documents can be edited in ONTRAM with the table view.
Result: The Table view opens in a new page and the target language segments of the table are displayed.
Result: The selected segment can be edited.
Note: Cells that have been left empty in the source language document are displayed without any editing options.
Note: If the entire content of a table cell in the table view has been deleted and saved, the target language segment is marked with the corresponding icon (empty entry) in the normal editing view.
Result: The table view is closed. Changes are saved automatically.
In addition to the target language, the table view can be configured to show the source language or auxiliary languages as well. The display of auxiliary columns can be configured for each column individually or for the entire table.
Result: The source language segments are displayed to the left of the target language segments.
Note: The display of the reference is only available if it was previously activated in the job view in the online editor.
Result: The translation of the reference is displayed to the left of the target language segment.
Note: The reference display can also be set for all columns. To do this, select Show reference in all columns in the drop-down of the table view.
Result: The auxiliary column will be hidden in this column.
Note: The display of the auxiliary language can also be deactivated for all columns. Therefore, select Hide All from the drop-down list within the Table view.
Simply close the additional tab for the table view by clicking on the icon.