Target dates serve to control the timing of the workflow. For each transfer, you define the time of completion. Target dates are displayed to each user on the overview page of the job and in the jobs tab.
The steps of the workflow at which target dates can be set are defined when the workflow is configured. When creating a job, the target dates for the steps provided in the workflow can be defined. It does not matter how the job is created (wizard or manual).
Note: Alternatively, standard dates can be defined in the job group setting.
Result: The target dates have been applied to the selected handover steps and languages.
This function allows the user to change fixed target dates because a deadline cannot be met, or because a translator can complete the job before the target date expires.
In order to be able to propose a date change, the user must be assigned the permission "Propose target date change".
The target dates defined in ONTRAM in the workflow can be changed by the user with the function "Propose another date" in the tab jobs in the column Target date.
Result: An e-mail is sent to the project manager. The icon is highlighted in orange and indicates that an appointment change proposal has been sent by the user.
If the change proposal is accepted by the project manager, the icon in this view will be marked green (date confirmed).
Note: Until the date is confirmed, the date is shown as an unconfirmed date in the order overview by the icon .
Result : The target date is shown as confirmed by the check mark and an e-mail is sent to the project manager.
Video target date confirmation
The automatic assignment of target dates can be defined in the settings of the job groups.
The steps for which target dates are to exist must also be defined in the workflow beforehand.
Result: The entered number of days is added to the creation date and the calculated target date is adopted for all set transfer steps and languages.
Note: Automatic assignment of target dates is useful for the automatic creation of jobs via a web service or bulk job creation.