You can make various notification settings in your user profile. Below is an overview of the possible settings and a corresponding description. If you want to receive a specific notification, simply select the value "Yes". This is the default value for all settings except for the "Send an offline translator kit to me when submitted" type. This must be explicitly activated.


Name Description Default value
Transfer to me If the active role of a job is delegated to me or to a working group of which I am a member, I will receive a notification if the value is set to "Yes". Yes
Transfer by me

If the value is "Yes", I will receive a copy of the notification addressed to the person to whom I handed a job over.

Job Wizard Complete Notifies the creator of a job that the job creation has been completed and the job has been started. Yes
New Job Assignment If the value is "Yes", ONTRAM will send a notification when my account has been assigned to a role in a job. This does not mean that it must be the active role in the workflow. Yes
Job was completed Notifies the creator of a job that the job has passed through the workflow and has been completed. Yes
Send an offline translator kit to me when handed over If the value is "Yes", Translator Kits are automatically created and, in the event of a notification, sent directly as an attachment in the email. No
Exceeding Due Dates ONTRAM checks daily at 6:00 a.m. server time whether there are target dates that will be reached within the next 48 hours. If this is the case, an email with information about these jobs will be sent to the user. Yes
Target date changes If yes, ONTRAM will send a notification that a change proposal for a target date has been submitted Yes
Job Portal Notification Notification of a change to a container in the job portal, for example when a job is transferred to me, a job requires an action from me (e.g. coordination, final drawing), or when a job created by me is completed. Yes
User Assignment Confirmation If the value is "Yes", ONTRAM sends a notification to the user if the user has assigned a job to another workgroup member. Yes
Time-critical notification With value "Yes" ONTRAM sends a notification to the active role when the flag "Time sensitive" for a job language is set by a project manager. Yes
Target date has been changed If the value is "Yes", ONTRAM sends a notification to the active role if the target date has been changed by a project manager. Yes