When the RMGMT module is activated, a new menu item "Availability" is displayed in the user menu to the right of the user name.
Set your regular workload and indicate on which days of the week you are available.
The workload refers to the translation work done in one working day. Reduce your workload if you are not always available in full (for example, if you work part-time).
Result: Your regular workload has been saved. Below the workload, you will now see the amount of text to be processed per day, depending on the respective workflow role.
Select the days of the week on which you are available for processing activities in ONTRAM.
Result: Your regular availability has been saved and is displayed in the absence overview. See item "Absence overview".
In this section you can enter an absence of several days in a certain period. For example, a vacation.
Result: You will be marked as "Absent" within the selected period. This is also displayed in the "Absence overview".
The absence overview shows you all days on which you are not available. You can also conveniently enter your absence by clicking on the calendar.
Result: You will be marked as "Absent" on the selected day.
If you should not be able to work in the system for an indefinite time, you can activate this option. If this option is activated, the system will not use you for calculations.
Result: They are no longer available until this option is deactivated again. The absence overview also shows your permanent absence.