Active users can log in while inactive users can not. This status can be set within the user profile. More access rights can be managed via permission profiles. Permission profiles can be assigned to users and contain the actual authorizations.
Authorization | Description |
Billing: Billing by cost | Authorized users can record the time to be billed for the job when transferring it. |
Billing: Billing by text volume | Authorized users can record text volumes (standard lines/words) within the settings for the job. |
Billing: show billing overview | The menu Home > billing overview will be displayed. The user can see his own jobs in this billing overview. |
Billing: view all jobs in billing overview | Menu Home > Billing Overview will be displayed. Authorized users can view all transfers and recorded costs. |
Billing: Display Financial Functions | The menu Administration > Financial Functions is displayed. Authorized users can view, create and edit cost planning profiles. |
Billing: display Cost Planning Profiles | The menu Administration > Financial Functions is displayed. Authorized users can view, create and edit cost planning profiles. |
Billing: display Price List Overview |
The menu Administration > Financial Functions > Billing will be displayed. Authorized users can view, create or edit price lists. Note: Requires the authorization Billing: display Financial Functions. |
Billing: Display Expense Reports in emails |
The email generated when the job has been created will display the expense report broken down by the different text formats and memory areas. Note: this implements that a cost planning profile has been created in the set up of the job or job groups. |
Administration: Display Developer Functions | Displays internal additional functions for ONTRAM developers. |
Display Job Creation Wizard | The Home > Job Creation menu is displayed. In this menu authorized users can create jobs. |
Job Creation for a passive role: display content | Authorized users can view jobs and job contents even though they don't have the active work flow position. |
Job Display for passive roles: Do not display content | Authorized users can view jobs even though they don't have the active work flow position. The job content will not be displayed. |
Job Edit: Carry out author corrections | Authorized users can carry out corrections within the source language. |
Job Edit: transfer author corrections into target language | Authorized users can mark checked author corrections. |
Job Edit: Allow mass export of offline Translator Packages | Allows users the export of Translator Packages for several jobs in the tab Jobs . This functions is displayed in the menu Job Selection > Offline Edit or via the button Jobs > my jobs > Translator Package on the top right side. |
Job Edit: Allow mass transport of target languages | Authorized users have the possibility to export all target languages simultaneously. |
Job Edit: Allow mass transfer of target languages | Authorized user can transfer several target languages into the next step of the work flow simultaneously. |
Job Edit: Excel export of cost data | Allows the export of cost data into the cost data page of a job. |
Job Edit: Export of translated data | Authorized users can initiate the export of the translations. |
Job Edit: edit locked segments | Authorized users can unblock blocked segments and block them again. Blocked segments can be overridden while running through the offline import. |
Job Edit: Display contact information of other users | Authorized users can see all contact information of other work flow roles in the job overview. |
Job Edit: Use of updated TM in launched job | Authorized users can use later updated TM content in already launched jobs even if they have no access to the administration areas. |
Job Edit: Export source format | Authorized users can export job data in the original format. Unauthorized users can only export PDF files. This function is available via the filter profile InDesign and Illustrator . |
Job Edit: Display column page name within the job selection | The column page name is displayed in the menu Jobs . |
Job Edit: Export TTX |
Within the menu Job Edit > Offline Edit authorized users can export TTX files. Note: To use this function there is an additional module necessary. |
Job Edit: edit deadline in current job | Unauthorized users can edit deadlines in current jobs via using the job overview page. |
Job Platform Coordination | Edition and administration of all jobs in the Job Platform. |
Job Platform: customer | Creation and administration of own jobs via Job Platform. |
Job Administration | The menu Administration > Jobs will be displayed. Authorized users can create and edit jobs. |
Job Administration > Administrator for Group Settings | The menu Administration > Jobs will be displayed. Authorized users can edit, delete and create new hierarchy groups and job groups. |
Job Administration: Display all Job Groups |
Authorized users can view all job groups. Note:: For unauthorized users only the group of ones own administration group is displayed. |
Job Administration: Export all PM jobs | Authorized users with the project manager status can export jobs via the menu Home > Status . |
Job Administration: Displaying all Jobs in the Status Overview |
In the menu Home > Status authorized users can view all jobs with the status online . Note: Target languages with the status Pre-Edit will not be displayed. |
Job Administration: mark a job as time-critical |
Authorized users can mark jobs as time-critical within the Job Administration. Note: To use this function there is an additional module necessary. |
Job Administration: Job Administration for Administration Group | Authorized users are allowed to edit and administrate job group if they are set within their administration group. |
Job Administration: generate report | The user can generate reports (i.e. user reports) |
Job Administration: Display extended options for automatization | Authorized users receive the possibility to re-start the automatization queue. |
Job Administration: Configuration of target language preparation | The menu Administration > Target Language Preparation will be displayed. |
Job Administration: MS Machine Translation Feedback | Allows the user to configure the MS Machine Translation. The work flow editor provides MS Machine Translation Feedback as an automated task for work flow steps. The task MS Machine Translation Feedback will appear in the automatization of job segments. |
Job Administration: Upload New Plug-ins | The menu Administration > Configuration > Plug-ins is displayed. Authorized users can upload new ONTRAM plug-ins. |
Job Administration: Super User | Authorized users can log into accounts of other users. |
Job Administration: Super User Administration Groups |
The menu Administration > User > Administration Groups will be displayed. Here authorized users can manage administration groups. Note: requires the authorisation for "User Administration". |
Job Administration: TM Cross Compare | Allows the user to run the TM Cross Compare or to set it up as an action in the work flow. |
Job Administration: Display Target Language Preparation |
The menu Administration > Target Language Preparation will be displayed. With this menu it is possible to automatically configure target language place holders in documents with several languages. Note: To use this function there is an additional module necessary. |
Job Administration: Display Target Language Preparation in the tab "Home" | Authorized users have access to the menu Target Language Preparation . Documents with several languages can be automatically set up with target language space holders. |
Notifications: Send group emails | Authorized users can send a group email to all users set up under a specific job. This function can be found under the drop down bar of job under the tab Jobs or in the administration of a job segment. |
Notifications: send email to all system users | The menu Administration > Email System will appear. Authorized users can send emails across the system. |
User Profile: Display User Profile | The menu Home > User Profile will appear. Authorized users can see their own user profile. |
User Profile: Edit User Profile | Authorized users can edit their user data except their user name. |
User Profile: Edit Email Address | Authorized users can edit the email address in their own profile. |
User Profile: Edit Source and Target Language | The user can edit the source and target language in his own user profile. |
User Profile: Edit system language | Authorized users can edit the system language in their own profile. |
User Administration: Configuration | The menu Administration > User and all sub-menus will be displayed. Authorized users can manage users, rights, language platform groups and companies. |
User Administration: Read only access | The menu Administration > User and all sub-menus except language platform group will be displayed. Authorized users can only view the user administration including the rights, work groups and organisations. |
Chat Support | For authorized users the link to the chat support will be displayed. |
Display Feedback Administration | Authorized users have access to the feedback administration. |
LQE | Allows for the Linguistic Quality Evaluation (LQE) activation for transfers within the workflow editor. Note: Add-on module necessary. |
News: Show News | The Administration > News menu is displayed. Authorized users can look at news messages. |
News: News Administration | The Administration > News menu is displayed. Authorized users can write, edit and delete new messages. |
Tab display "Jobs" | Authorized users can view the Jobs tab. |
Reporting: Display Reports | AUthorized users can view Dashboards and Ad-Hoc-Views in the Reports tab. |
Reporting: Create Reports | Authorized users can create and view Dashboards and Ad-Hoc-Views in the Reports tab. |
Reporting: Reports Administration | Authorized users can create domains. This specific authorization includes Reporting: Display Reports, Reporting: Create Reports and Reporting: Assign Individual Dashboards. |
Reporting: Assign Individual Dashboards | Authorized users can assign individual Dashboards to specific users. This authorization includes all authorizations from Reporting: Create Reports . |
Reporting: Display Dashboard only | Authorized users can view the Dashboard. |
Server-Administration | The Administration > Configuration menu is displayed. Authorized users can configure the system and manage filter profiles. |
Terminology: display Terminology Browser | Activates the Terminology Browser (reading access only) |
Terminology: display Terminology Administration | The menu Administration > Terminology is displayed. Users can upload and export the Terminology, administer Terminology Suggestions and use the editing function within the Terminology Browser. |
Translation Memory: configure "Trusted Matches" in the Group Settings | Displays the option Trusted Match in the Group Settings making it possible to use the Memory Matches as 'read-only'. |
Translation Memory: TM-Browser" | The menu Administration > Translation Memory > TM Browser will be displayed. Authorized users can search for text, block or de-block entries within the Translation Memory. |
Translation Memory: TM-Editor in the TM-Browser | Authorized users can edit text in the TM-Browser of the Translation Memory. |
Translation Memory: block TM-Matches | Authorized users can block TM-Matches in the Online-Editor and in the TM-Browser. Blocked TM-Matches will not be shown as suggestions in newly created jobs. |
Translation Memory: TMX-File download | The menu Home > TMX Export will be displayed. Authorized users can download exported TMX-Files. |
Translation Memory: import TMX-Files | The menu Administration > Translation Memory > TMX Import will be displayed. Authorized users can import TMX-Files into the Translation Memory. |
Translation Memory: TMX-Export configure | The menu Administration > Translation Memory > TMX Export Configuration is displayed. Authorized users can configure the TMX Export. |
Obsolete - display statistic under the tab "Home" |
The Home > Statistics menu is displayed. Note: This authorization is no longer supported. |
Obsolete - Super User Language Platform |
Authorized users can masquerade as different user within the speech platform. Note: This authorization is no longer supported. |
Obsolete - Show Archive in Job Selection |
The Job Selection > Navigation menu is displayed. Note: This authorization is no longer supported. |
Obsolete - display Dashboard |
Authorized users can view the Dashboard under the tab Home . Note: This authorization is no longer supported. |
Obsolete - display tab Job Selection |
Enables users to see the tab Job Selection . Note: This authorization is no longer supported. |
Obsolete - Display TM-Maintenance |
Display of the Administration > TM-Maintenance menu. Note: This authorization is no longer supported. |
Obsolete - Display TM-Search |
The menu Administration > TM-Maintenance > Search is displayed. Note: This authorization is no longer supported. |
Web Service: use ONTRAM Web Service | Authorized users can use the ONTRAM Web Service |
Display-Workflow-Administration | The menu Administration > Workflow is displayed. Authorized users can create new workflows and edit, de-/activate or configure already existing workflows. |
Authorizations are bundled in authorized profiles. A single user can be assigned to an unlimited amount of authorized profiles. Bundling user authorizations within authorization profiles facilitates the structuring of user authorizations. An overview of all available authorized profiles is displayed in the menu Administration > User Administration > Authorizations. A click on next to an authorized profile will display the assigned authorizations and their description.
Result The Permission Profile has been created and allocated to users.
Result: The Permission Profile has been changed.
Result: The Permission Profile has been deleted.
Result: The Permission Profile has been assigned to a user.
Note: Administrators can edit other user profiles.