Administrative Configuration

The configuration menu for the resource management can be found at Administration > Resource planning > Configuration when the module is activated and the appropriate authorization is given. In this menu you, as RMGMT administrator, set system-wide standards.


Workload and tresholds

  • Workload (words per week)

Enter the number of words to be edited by a user within one week. This value applies to all users. An individual reduction of the workload is possible at user level. You can also store different weightings for roles/activities defined in the system.

Utilization level "moderate" (yellow)

  • Treshold value for "moderate" (yellow) capacity utilization level in percent

Set the treshold value for the utilization level "moderate".

Result: If this utilization level is reached, the user is marked yellow.

Note: Yellow marked users or workgroups will be able to edit the text to be assigned in time, but these users are already quite busy.

Utilization level "high" (red)

  • Threshold value for the utilization level "high" (red) in percent

Set the treshold value for the utilization level "high".

Result: If this utilization level is reached, the user is marked red.

Note: Unavailable or busy users or workgroups are displayed in red when assigned to a workflow role. The text to be assigned or the target date can no longer be processed by this user in time

Further options

  • Hide busy users during user assignment

Result: If this option is activated, users who have reached the "high" workload level or are not present are not displayed in the user assignment. Only those users are displayed who can handle the workload to be assigned in due time, taking into account the text volume, target date and general availability.

Workflow role settings

You can use this function to consider and weight different activities in the system.

Example: The workload (words per week) is set to 10,000. This corresponds to the amount of translated text that you expect one translator in the system to translate per week.

So it would make sense to configure the role translator with a weighting factor of 100%. If the same user is assigned a different role that represents a different activity and is therefore less time-consuming, you can reduce the weighting factor. An assumption could be that proofreading takes less time and you therefore expect twice the amount of text for the defined workload. You could therefore assign a weighting factor of 50% for the role proofreader. In this example, you would expect 20,000 words to be proofread.

  1. Select an available role from the drop-down list.
  2. Select a weighting factor for the role.
  3. Click on the + to add and save your configuration

Result: These weighting factors are used to calculate the amount of text to be processed, depending on the current task.