There are Protected Job Groups. Only a specific group of users who are members of an "Authorized User Group" has access to these groups. Users who do not belong to this circle do not have access to the protected job groups, namely in the job management, in the TM browser, in the status overview or other places in ONTRAM.
In order to create and edit the authorized user groups, the authorization "Authorized User Group Manager" is necessary. As usual, this permission can be added to a permission profile via → User→... administration. However, with the following special features:
Subsequently, a new menu item is visible in the user administration for users authorized in this way: Administration → User → "Authorized User Group". New groups can be created here, users can be added, and the job group to be protected is defined here. The processing of authorized user groups is subject to the following requirements:
Members of the authorized user groups can see the protected group in the job management and are enabled to create jobs here.
Only users who are members of the user group can be assigned to a role in the workflow.